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Report business

Argomenti collegati: Section allows you to create new reports and display those existing.

To create a new report (New report) click on "New report".

To view all reports in the list click on "List report".

To manage the categories of reports click on "Category" (Category).

You can reorder the list alphabetically by name by clicking on the header of the menu under the heading "Reports" report. Clicking again invertirà order. Similarly, you can sort by description.

To delete a report select box in the last column, and then click .

Lower right illustrates the number of reports, however the number of items listed in each list is limited ( (Account management), "Tustena Configuration" tab (Tustena configuration)). To view items that follow click on the number for the list page or on "Next" to switch to the next page. To go back a page click on "Previous". To display all the reports in a single page click on "All records".

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