Sets campaign

Modificata il domenica, 04 ottobre 2009 18:51 da stefano — Categorizzata come: Non Categorizzata

Sets campaign

Argomenti collegati: Once you have created a campaign, or by clicking on the title of an existing campaign, following window opens:

The default display style is to tab (or higher, corresponding to the pages of the tab "flaps"); you can view the entire tab on a single page by clicking on ; you can restore the clicking tab.

By clicking you can change the data adapter (useful, for example, to change the status of the campaign) in a similar way to the creation of a new campaign (New campaign).

If the type of campaign is "Email" you can send an email (previously generated in (Email and mailing lists)) to one or more tabs associated with the campaign by clicking on : To search between the e-mail type a key research and click ; select the email you want; close box click .

After you select the mail you want click to send (for more information about sending email lists refer to List); because we can send the email requires one or more lists have been associated to campaign (operation between the other, indispensable for every type of campaign):

To add a list previously created and associated with the campaigns in in the section "Distribution lists" click (Distribution lists).

To create a new list click (proceeding to create distribution lists is described in section Distribution lists).

In the header of the list are the letters of the alphabet: by clicking on one of these letters appear lists the title begins with that letter; by clicking on "All" are listed all the lists.

You can reorder the list alphabetically by clicking on the header of the menu under the heading "List". Clicking again invertirà order.

To delete a list, select the box in the last column, and then click .

Lower right the number that is viewable lists, but the number of items listed in each list is limited ( (Account management), "Tustena Configuration" tab (Tustena configuration)). To display lists that follow list page number or "Next" click to go to the next page. To go back a page click on "Previous". To view all campaigns in a single page click on "All records".

After you have added the desired lists you must associate tabs to operators who will have the task of contact the target:

Select an operator clicking (you can search by entering a keyword and clicking ) and and the name of the user; after which select a list if the selection should be direct (i.e. the operator will have all the elements of the list) or if based on a particular parameter (in which case select parameter and touchstone in the lists below); Finally click .

Repeat this procedure for each operator that you want to add.

Select the box in the last column, and then click to remove an operator.

You can check the status of the campaign in the section "Progress":