Per integrare Tustena con la piattaforma Voip Asterisk bisogna installare su ogni singolo client un plugin disponibile gratuitamente (
ADAT) per ricevere informazioni da Asterisk sulle chiamate in arrivo e per poter lanciare direttamente le chiamate dall'interfaccia Web di Tustena CRM.
Fate riferimento al sito del produttore per funzionalità e configurazione.
This Program is a caller ID program for the Windows platform written in C#.
It connects to an Asterisk server through the Manager Interface on port 5038. YAACID can hold up to 50 calls in its Call ID History.
• Native Windows Program written in .NET
• Sits in notification bar and pops up when a call comes in
• Has the ability to play any custom wav sound when a call comes in and it pops up
• Has the ability to spawn a web browser and when a call comes in, and it can pass any of the following variables to a given web page:
For Example, YAACID can be configured to have a url like:$CALLERID&name=$CALLERIDNAME&id=$UNIQUEID
if a call comes in from: 716-852-5872 , it will spawn a browser and go to: