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Argomenti collegati: Section is the management of contacts tabs.

The screen can be divided into 2 parts, the sidebar and the list.

Allows to create a new contact card (New contact).

Allows to perform an advanced search (Advanced search).

Allows to make a to fast searching (Search)

Allows to quickly insert a company. Type the data, and then click .

In the header of the list are the letters of the alphabet: by clicking on one of these letters all contacts whose last names begin with that letter will be listed; by clicking on "All" will list all your contacts.

You can reorder the list alphabetically by last name, by clicking on the header of the menu under "Name and last name" entry. Clicking again invertirà order. Similarly, you can sort by company, phone number, number of mobile phone or owner.

To delete a tab select the box in the last column, and then click . Where would need to recover a deleted tab, you can restore section (Record Eliminati2).

Lower right is following the number of satisfactory cards required criteria, however the following tabs in each list number is limited ( (Account management), "Tustena Configuration" tab (Tustena configuration)). To display tabs that follow list page number or "Next" click to jump to the next page. To go back a page click on "Previous". To display all the tabs in a single page click on "All records". "To make changes to various adapters simultaneously click on" Massive update " (Massive update).

The list shows the results of searches.

Tab to display a user (Card contact) click on the surname and first name of the user.

To view a card company (Card company) click on the name of the company.

Corporate contacts

This section lists the contacts linked to the company:

  • to open the Card contact click on the name of the contact; * to delete a contact click ;
  • to disable a click contact and confirm;
  • to rehabilitate a click contact and confirm;
  • to create a New contact associated with the tab click .

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.