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New opportunity

Argomenti collegati: By clicking on "New opportunities" or an existing opportunity button you can insert a new item or modify an existing element:

Fill in the various fields in a more timely manner bearing in mind that:

  • clicking , you can select the owner the opportunity:
  • the opportunity can be assigned to a company, a contact or a lead: mark the appropriate box and click to select the tab through research, or quickly create a new card (see for information on the search window New leads);
  • the "Close date" field indicates what date the opportunity will be automatically closed; insert date directly by filling the field by typing it (dd/MM/yyyy format, dd = day 2 digits; MM = month 2 digits; yyyy = year 4-digit, e.g. 01 01 2009), or by clicking on the icon :
    So you can select the date from the calendar, clicking on the desired day directly. To change click on month (previous month) or (next month). To close the window click .
  • the "Statement of reasons closure" field (usually compiled to opportunities rather concluded that during the creation of a new opportunity) is customizable by anyone with access to section (Reasons for closing or);
  • completed once the tab click button to confirm; to not save and return to the management companies click .

Saved once the opportunity you can complete it by adding documents, products, contacts, etc.

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.