New report

Modificata il lunedì, 05 ottobre 2009 19:41 da stefano — Categorizzata come: Non Categorizzata

New report

Argomenti collegati: By clicking on "New report" you can create step-by-step a data list showing all necessary key information to the user.

Select if the desired type is "Simple", i.e. interests only one structure data or "Advanced" or crossroad data from 2 different structures. Then select the tree from which extrapolate data requirements and click to proceed to the next step.

This page will select the fields that are listed in the report. Select the boxes next to the entries that you want, click to continue after which.

At this point, you can select if you want to be listed at the bottom of the report the results of certain mathematical operations on data. Select the entries that you want, and then click ; to return to the previous screen click .

During the next step you specify in which order are grouped fields in the report. Select the fields that you want to reposition and operate on the arrows to move the fields in a timely manner, after which to proceed to the next step; to return to the previous screen click click one by one.

This step is the most important, because you can filter the data to display according to one or more parameters logically combined: select in the first dropdown field, in the second operator, and in the third term of comparison.

To add a click parameter. The line titled "Advanced conditions" you can type the logical formula according to which combine the various parameters; click for more information about how to insert the formula.

You can also specify second what field will be reordered the results of the report in the box titled "sort for".

Once you have selected all the desired parameters click to proceed to the final stage; to return to the previous screen click .

In the latter phase you assign the report name and category to facilitate identification: to do this, type the name you want in the box, select a category, and enter the possible description; after which click to save the report to Tustena.

To display the results of the click report: selected data will appear, and you are returned to the construction of the clicking report.

To export the report on your computer click :

Select the format you want, and then click to proceed.