Massive update

Modificata il domenica, 04 ottobre 2009 18:30 da stefano — Categorizzata come: Non Categorizzata

Massive update

Argomenti collegati: By clicking on "Massive update" will be the same change to many companies:

Select companies to upgrade by clicking on the boxes in the last column (by clicking on the header are all the companies selected) and the type of change be carried out, after which click .

You can specify for each field which should be used in the final tab if you have selected "Merge contacts duplicates", clicking .

3.4.5 Massive update By clicking on "Massive update" will be the same change to many contacts: Select contacts from update by clicking on the boxes in the last column (by clicking on the header are selected all the contacts) and the type of change be carried out, after which click .

You can specify for each field which should be used in the final tab if you have selected "Merge contacts duplicates", clicking .

3.5.3 Massive update By clicking on "Massive update" will be the same change to numerous leads: s elect leads to update by clicking on the boxes in the last column (by clicking on the header are selected all leads) and the type of change be carried out, after which click .

You can specify for each field which should be used in the final tab if you have selected "Merge contacts duplicates", clicking .