Condizioni di ricerca WebMail/IMap
Attenzione, a seconda del server IMAP utilizzato, alcuni comando possono non funzionare. E' altresì noto che server quali Microsoft Exchange sono estremamente lenti nell'eseguire le ricerche, e ciò può comportare un timeout nella connessione.
ALL All messages in the mailbox; the default initial key for ANDing.
ANSWERED - Messages with the \Answered flag set.
BCC string - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's BCC field.
BEFORE date Messages whose internal date is earlier than the specified date.
BODY string Messages that contain the specified string in the body of the message.
CC string - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's CC field.
DELETED - Messages with the \Deleted flag set.
DRAFT - Messages with the \Draft flag set.
FLAGGED - Messages with the \Flagged flag set.
FROM string Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's FROM field.
HEADER field-name string Messages that have a header with the specified field-name (as defined in RFC-822) and that contains the specified string in the RFC-822 field-body.
KEYWORD flag - Messages with the specified keyword set.
LARGER n - Messages with an RFC-822 size larger than the specified number of octets.
NEW - Messages that have the \Recent flag set but not the \Seen flag. This is functionally equivalent to "(RECENT UNSEEN)".
NOT search-key - Messages that do not match the specified search key.
OLD - Messages that do not have the \Recent flag set. This is functionally equivalent to "NOT RECENT" (as opposed to "NOT NEW").
ON date - Messages whose internal date is within the specified date.
OR search-key1 search-key2 - Messages that match either search key.
RECENT - Messages that have the \Recent flag set.
SEEN - Messages that have the \Seen flag set.
SENTBEFORE date - Messages whose RFC-822 Date: header is earlier than the specified date.
SENTON date - Messages whose RFC-822 Date: header is within the specified date.
SENTSINCE date - Messages whose RFC-822 Date: header is within or later than the specified date.
SINCE date - Messages whose internal date is within or later than the specified date.
SMALLER n - Messages with an RFC-822 size smaller than the specified number of octets.
SUBJECT string - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's SUBJECT field.
TEXT string Messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message.
TO string - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's TO field.
UID message set - Messages with unique identifiers corresponding to the specified unique identifier set.
UNANSWERED - Messages that do not have the \Answered flag set.
UNDELETED - Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
UNDRAFT - Messages that do not have the \Draft flag set.
UNFLAGGED - Messages that do not have the \Flagged flag set.
UNKEYWORD flag - Messages that do not have the specified keyword set.
UNSEEN - Messages that do not have the \Seen flag set.