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New file

Argomenti collegati: By clicking on "New file" you can upload a file to Tustena and associate it with activity, opportunity, or tab to choice. To change or revise a file proceed in a similar fashion.

To upload a file follow the steps:
  • type the address of the file to upload, or select it directly after you have clicked "Browse...";
  • Select a category by clicking on ; attention! You cannot upload file without an administrator has previously created at least a category in the section under the "Categories" entry in the menu "Store" (Categories);
  • Type a description of the file;
  • If desired, select what should be linked file, the corresponding window will open for fast; research for more information about the search for companies and contacts window see New leads; for opportunity and activity type a key research and click ; to close the window click ;
  • groups of users who will be able to access the file will appear in the list "visible from"; you can add new groups by selecting them from the "Groups" list and clicking the button ; allows you to add all the groups in the list; in a similar way to remove a group will simply select it in the list "visible from" and click on the button ; allows you to remove them all.
  • Click to confirm.

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