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10.2 Orders In the section, you can manage orders.

To create a new order click on "New order" (New order) to search for all orders that meet certain conditions fields in a timely manner in the "Filter" section of the sidebar, bearing in mind that:

  • to set the time restrictions, select if the date of the order must be less than or equal (≤)
    ), uguale≡
    ) or greater or uguale≥
    ) the date of reference to be following in the "Date validity" pane: you can manually type the date (dd = day 2 digits; MM = month 2 digits; yyyy = year 4-digit, e.g. 01 01 2009), or click on the icon :
    So you can select the date from the calendar, clicking on the desired day directly. To change click on month (previous month) or (next month). To close the window click ;
  • You can select the owner of the order by clicking on as a search parameter by typing a search, clicking key and selecting the desired; user
  • You can select the applicant for the order as a search parameter by selecting the type of tab and clicking : for information about the function of research between companies and contacts see New leads, leads search function is similar to that between contacts;
  • to set restrictions on total Select if you should be less than or equal (≤)
    ), uguale≡
    ) or greater or uguale≥
    ) to the number that you typed in the box below;
  • Once you have selected the desired parameters click .

The list shows the key data for orders.

In the header of the list are the letters of the alphabet: by clicking on one of these letters appear all orders whose description starts with the letter; by clicking on "All" will list all orders.

You can reorder the list alphabetically by clicking on the header of the menu under the heading "Description" description. Clicking again invertirà order. You can sort by date, number or order total in a similar fashion.

To view, modify or update an order click on the icon .

To delete an order, select the box in the last column, and then click .

Lower right illustrates the number of orders, however the number of items listed in each list is limited ( (Account management), "Tustena Configuration" tab (Tustena configuration)). To view items that follow click on the number for the list page or on "Next" to switch to the next page. To go back a page click on "Previous". To display all orders in a single page click on "All records".

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