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Advanced search options in today

Argomenti collegati: The item by clicking "Search" in the side bar opens the following box:

By filling in a timely manner the various fields, you can search multiple variables between users, businesses, and lead, on the basis of countless combinations of fields.

You can enter alternate fields for each item by clicking on the icon , you will create an additional row type additional conditions. If necessary a line can be removed by clicking on the icon .

In the last field you can also specify the owner searched tabs by clicking on the icon ; to clear the contents of the box click .

Once placed all the fields you want click :

All entries that meet the conditions will appear; you can view the individual tabs by clicking on its name in the "Call" column.

You can sort the results alphabetically or by phone by clicking on the relevant column licence number.

After sorting, to reverse the order click again on the same footing.

Advanced search companies

By clicking on the heading "Advanced search" in the side bar opens the following window:

By filling in a timely manner the various fields, you can search multiple variables between companies, on the basis of countless combinations of fields.

You can enter alternate fields for each item by clicking on the icon , you will create an additional row type additional conditions. If necessary a line can be removed by clicking on the icon .

"Owner" you can also specify the owner searched tabs by clicking on the icon in the field and selecting the user desired; to clear the contents of the box click .

You may notice that you you can search also taking as variables countless customizable fields (eg.) Field, type company, category, etc.) thereby ensuring the maximum personalizzabilità according to the needs of users.

The entry "Geomarketing" allows to search within a certain perimeter from a point defined in the "Center" and "Nation" boxes.

Once placed all the fields you want click : will appear in the Companies of companies only entries that match selected criteria.

Advanced search options in contact and Lead

By clicking on the heading "Advanced search" in the side bar opens the following window:

By filling in a timely manner the various fields, you can search multiple variables between contacts, on the basis of countless combinations of fields.

You can enter alternate fields for each item by clicking on the icon , you will create an additional row type additional conditions. If necessary a line can be removed by clicking on the icon .

"Owner" you can also specify the owner searched tabs by clicking on the icon in the field and selecting the user desired; to clear the contents of the box click .

You may notice that you you can search by also taking as variable category thereby ensuring the maximum personalizzabilità according to the needs of users.

Once placed all the fields you want click : will appear in the Companies Contacts entries that match selected criteria.

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.